push notifications

5 Ways to Use Push Notifications on Mobile ID Cards

Author Alicia
Alicia Bustamante August 20, 2019

ID card administrators know that reaching out to cardholders is not easy — you have to send emails, SMS and use various channels to reach out to them. But with the introduction of push notifications on  mobile ID cards, you can do everything in one place!

What messages can your cardholders expect on their push notifications?

With the ID Management System, you can send a personalized message via push notification and alert your cardholders about closures, emergencies, or discounts. Read the complete list below:

Weather warnings

Weather-warning alerts:

Natural disasters are not easy to control or avoid, but you can keep your cardholders safe by notifying them about the measures that they need to take when natural disasters hit.
Customize the message you want to broadcast to your cardholders and alert them on facilities closures or advise them on the precautions that they should take when tornadoes, hurricanes, flood, earthquakes, snowstorm, etc. are expected to hit.

Bus schedule

School shuttles delays:

If your students use digital bus passes, alert them if the shuttle service is delayed due to traffic or when other service problems occur. By notifying your students, they can seek alternate transportation and be on time to their activities.

Alert notifications

Life-threatening notifications:

With push notifications, you can Instantly alert your card-carrying members when dangerous events like bomb threats, shootings, and violent episodes take place in your facilities. These notifications can inform and advice cardholders to follow precautionary methods and seek shelter as soon as possible

discounts alert

Discounts alert:

If you manage a membership organization, improve the communication between your organization and its members by alerting them, via push notification, about special offers, discounts, and promotions.

Future event notifications

Future-events notification:

You can alert your cardholders about future events and provide a brief description of the time and date they will take place. This feature will help your card-carrying members stay in the loop of your organization’s events.

How would you use push notifications on mobile ID cards?

Chat with us and share your ideas of the ways that you would use push notifications, we would love to hear them!