What are Professional ID Cards used for?
Licensing and certification authorities are offering digital ID cards to provide convenient, portable authenticity to license holders. With digital professional ID cards, you can easily display a digital ID linked to their certifications, licenses, badges, and other professional credentials on their mobile devices. Additionally, ID cards can be issued and managed entirely online and can have all the information that a physical ID card would.
Issue and Manage ID Cards Remotely
Digital Professional ID cards can be issued by licensing and certification authorities through email. From there, licensed or certified professionals can easily install their ID cards onto their mobile devices. Issuer administrators can manage all ID cards by monitoring, activating, deactivating, renewing, or archiving them. Our card issuance process is a safe, contactless way for professionals to receive their ID cards.
Update Expiration Dates Online
Licensing and certification authorities no longer need to recreate and ship out additional ID cards once someone’s registration expires! With our ID Management System, administrators can easily update card expiration dates online upon receiving renewal applications from professionals.

Manage ID Cards

Expiration Dates

In-App Messages


Send Updates and Expiration Reminders Using In-App Messaging
Licensing and certification authorities can alert members about any updates, renewals, fees, dues or expiration dates through the in-app messaging feature. In-app messages are sent directly to the cardholders’ mobile devices. In the app, there is an inbox that contains all the messages sent from the cardholder’s licensing or certification authority.
Easily Import and Update Data with our Integration Capabilities
With simple data integration tools, administrations can automate the manual task of importing and updating card data. Additionally, organizations can schedule a daily data sync that automatically updates card data records at a specific time.
Deactivate ID Cards at Any Time
Professional ID Cards can be deactivated at any time in the ID Management System. If a cardholder loses or fails to renew their license, the card can be deactivated and will no longer be visible in the app. If a professional regains their license or certificate, administrators can instantly reactivate the ID card and the card will reappear in the professional’s digital ID wallet.