Modern Slavery Act Statement

We take our ethical and legal obligations seriously and we are fully committed to a work environment, customer base, and supply chain that is free from slavery, human trafficking, and any form of coerced labor. This policy and related policies provide a framework to guide our ethics and business practices.

While we cannot easily monitor how every customer may use our service and software, it is our policy to reject and/or disable any customer found to be involved in slavery, human trafficking, or coercion for labor services, as defined in Chapter 787.06 of the Florida State Statutes. This includes (i) using or threatening to use physical force against any person (ii) restraining, isolating, or confining or threatening to restrain, isolate, or confine any person without lawful authority and against her or his will (iii) using lending or other credit methods to establish a debt by any person when labor or services are pledged as a security for the debt, if the value of the labor or services as reasonably assessed is not applied toward the liquidation of the debt, the length and nature of the labor or services are not respectively limited and defined (iv) destroying, concealing, removing, confiscating, withholding, or possessing any actual or purported passport, visa, or other immigration documents, or any other actual or purported government identification document, of any person (v) Causing or threatening to cause financial harm to any person (vi) enticing or luring any person by fraud or deceit (vii) providing a controlled substance as outlined in Schedule I or Schedule II of s. 893.03 to any person for the purpose of exploitation of that person. We believe these measures are crucial to preventing such practices within our ecosystem. We use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the appropriate due diligence on our customers to help ensure their use of our services and software complies with this policy.

We do not manufacture our products in factories and do not have suppliers in a traditional sense. Our suppliers are typically cloud service providers. We require that all employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and partners comply with local employment laws, anti-corruption laws, and forced labor laws that regulate how people work. This includes adherence to principles set forth by federal and state legislature such as the National Labor Relations Act and Chapter 787.06 of the Florida State Statutes, which prohibits labor organizations from engaging in or profiting from human trafficking, restraint, or coercion of employees. We require that our employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and partners do not engage in or benefit from human trafficking, coercion, or forced labor. We use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the appropriate due diligence and risk assessments on businesses we work with to help ensure they comply with these legal and ethical standards.

In publishing this Modern Slavery Act Statement, we commit to an ecosystem, work environment, and supply chain free from slavery, human trafficking, coerced labor, and practices that violate the rights of workers under federal and state legislature.

Rich Eicher- Signature

December 11, 2024