Temporary ID

Issue Digital Union ID Cards Easily With ID123

4 min read
Author Meg Regan
Meg Regan Dec 11, 2020

Union organizations issue membership cards to prove affiliation, manage members, and facilitate the admission process to union events. With the Union ID app, labor union and trade union association members can securely store their digital ID cards on their mobile devices. This digital ID wallet allows members to conveniently verify their identity without having to carry a physical ID card in their wallet.

Every union should have digital ID cards. Why?

1. Provides Ability to Verify and Track Memberships of Individuals

A digital Union ID card is a digital identity credential that unions or associations can issue to its members to verify and track the memberships. ID123 offers an inexpensive digital ID card solution to unions and associations. Also, they can manage any issued union ID cards by monitoring, activating, deactivating, renewing, or archiving them through our digital ID Management System.

2. Cards are Secured through our Cloud-Based Platform

Digital ID Management System is a cloud-based platform that can be integrated to sync data, such as through an active union member database, to make the ID card issuance process faster and seamless. The transmission of data from the database to the ID Management System is done over encrypted communication channels. Thus, it ensures maximum security. Also, personal information is encrypted in the cloud to prevent unauthorized access or usage.

3. Organizations can Set Expiration Dates for Union ID Cards

Unlike physical ID cards, digital ID cards can automatically expire and renew through the ID Management System. As a result, organizations eliminate the need to ship out additional union ID cards. Also, when a union member leaves a union or does not pay membership fees, the organization can simply deactivate or set the member’s card status to be expired.

4. Organizations can Enable Push Notifications

All members can be alerted about changes in industry laws, membership rules, programs, and any upcoming payments or expiration dates through the easy-to-use push notification feature in the digital ID app.

5. Ability to Add Signature in the Union ID Card App

Most authorization cards expressing support for a union require a signature by the cardholder. The union ID card app allows cardholders to instantly add their signatures to their membership ID. Then, it will immediately display on their respective cards.

Union ID Cards

Want to start using the Union ID app? Download the app now on the App Store or Google Play

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