Step 1. View Card Records
Log in to your IDMS account and click on “Card Records” from the navigation menu on the left. Then, click on View ‘Records’ on the preferred template.
Step 2. Archive Card Records
On the “Card Record Dashboard” page, select the card records that you desire to delete, you can either select all records or individual records. Then Click on the ‘Bulk Action’ drop-button and select ‘Archive Records’ then hit the Apply button.
Note: Archiving a record will remove the card from the cardholder’s mobile device.
Step 3. Set Advanced Filter
Select the ‘Advance Filters’ link and choose the ‘Archived’ card status. Additionally, you have the option to specify a Date Range to display only the cards that were archived within a specific period.
Step 4. Delete Card Records
Choose the archived card(s) you wish to remove. Next, click on the ‘Bulk Action’ drop-down menu, select ‘Delete Records,’ and then click the Apply button.
All set!