_linkedin_partner_id = "503794"; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids = window._linkedin_data_partner_ids || []; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids.push(_linkedin_partner_id);

Knowledge Base

How to move a record to another template from the Card Renewals page

Step 1: Navigate to Card Renewals

Log in to your IDMS account and click “Card Renewals” from the navigation menu on the left.

Step 2: Select Card Options

Choose specific cards or all cards in a template. Either search cards by card ID, name, or unique identifier, or filter cards by card status. Click on the next button to proceed.

Step 3: Select Move to Template

Select specific card records or all records in a template that you want to move from the current template to the new template. Click on the next button to proceed.

Step 4: Review and Confirm details

Check details about the card records being moved from the old template to the new template. Click on renew, a message to continue will appear then click on Yes button to proceed.

A confirmation message should now appear showing that the card transfer was successful. All Done!

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