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Knowledge Base

Creating a New Card Template

Step 1:  Log in to your IDMS account and from the Card Templates page click on “Create New Card Template”.

Step 2: Complete the “General” section.

  1. Enter your Template Name (internal).
  2. Choose your Card Type. 
  3. Enter Your Card Name (shown in App Search).
  4. Optionally you can enter your Card Terms of Use which will be shown in the app prior to card creation.
  5. Enter a support message and add a support email as well as a phone number.
  6. When finished, click on the next tab – “Design”.

Step 3: Complete the “Design” section

  1. Select background colors for your cards.
  2. Select font colors for your cards.
  3. Optionally you can turn card animation on to animate your cards to prevent screenshots. If animation is on, you’ll be prompted to choose the animation color.
  4. Optionally you can turn signature on to require a signature on your cards.
  5. Enter your Card Title.
  6. Optionally you can upload a logo for your cards. Choose either Circle or Rectangular logo option. A circle logo will show up as a small circle in the top right corner of the ID card. A rectangular logo will show up as a rectangle in place of the Card Title.
  7. When finished, click on the next tab – “Fields”.

Step 4: Complete the “Fields” section.

  1. Select a Data Source for the Name field.
  2. If you’d like to add more Front Fields, click on “Add Front Field”.
  3. Enter the Label for your Front Field, select Data Type and Data Source.
  4. You can add Additional and Auxilary Fields, as well as Media by clicking the appropriate buttons at the top next to “Front”.
  5. When finished, click on click on the next tab – “Photo”.

Step 5: Complete the “Photo” section.

  1. Turn on “Allow app user to upload photo” if you want your cardholders to take/upload their own ID photos in the app.
  2. Turn on “Make photo required” if you want to require your cardholders to take/upload their ID photo in the app.
  3. Turn on “Allow app user to update photo” if you want your cardholders to update their existing ID photos in the app.
  4. When finished, click on click on the next tab – “Barcode”.

Step 6: Complete the “Barcode” Section (optional).

If you choose to add a Barcode:

  1. Click on “Add Barcode”.
  2. Switch “Auto Generate Barcode” ON or OFF.
  3. Select a Barcode Type.
  4. If “Auto Generate Barcode” is ON, choose Auto Generate Value. If it’s OFF, select Barcode Value Data Type and Source.
  5. Optionally, you can switch “Show Barcode Value” on to display the character code value underneath the Barcode.
  6. Optionally, you can add an additional footer image/logo. By enabling the footer image options, the barcode turns into a small icon at the bottom right so that the Footer image could be easily visible on the left. If necessary, the barcode icon can be clicked to display in full screen.
  7. When finished, click on the next tab – “Expiration”

Step 7: Complete the “Expiration” Section (optional).

If you choose to add an Expiration:

  1. Switch on “Show expiration on card” if you’d like expiration dates to be displayed on your cards.
  2. If you choose to display expiration on cards, select a Display Timezone.
  3. Switch on “Add Expiration at Issuance” if you’d like to add expiration dates at issuance.
  4. Select an Expiration Data Source.
  5. If you choose “Import Expiration Dates” as your Data Source, you’ll be prompted to set an Import Timezone. If you choose“Expire at a Specific Date and Time” as your Data Source, you’ll be asked to set a specific date and time when you want all of your cards in this template to expire.
  6. When finished, click on the next tab – “Issuance”.

Step 8: Complete the “Issuance” Section.

If you are planning to issue cards via email, please choose the “Institution-Issued” option. Please note that with this option cardholders can still upload their own ID photo and signature if that’s what you want. You just need to turn on these features in the Card Template Builder.

“Self-Issued” is a less secure option where cardholders install their cards by simply searching for your institution in the App and entering their card data. If you don’t want to issue cards via email, this option is for you. If you want additional security, we recommend turning on Card Moderation.

If you choose “Institution-Issued”:

  1. You can turn on Card Sharing if you need multiple app users to be able to install the same card. Otherwise, keep it turned off.
  2. You can set a limit on the number of devices that cards can be installed on by using the “Device Installs” feature. If you don’t want your cards to have a device limit, keep this feature turned off.
  3. Choose a Unique Identifier for your cards. Unique Identifier is used to verify cardholder identity before they can install an ID card for your institution in the app. It can be an email address or ID number (whichever you select here) This won’t be displayed on the card itself.
  4. You can turn on Card Creation with SSO to set up the option for SSO authentication for app user login and registration.
  5. You can optionally set a Security Question.
    Security Questions are used to verify cardholder identity before they can install an ID card for your institution in the app.
  6. When finished, click on the next tab – “Moderation”.

Step 9: Complete the “Moderation” Section (optional)

Note: Enable this feature if you’d like to moderate card data entered and/or photos taken in the app. If you are importing data, then Moderation should be disabled.

  1. Turn “Card Moderation” ON to moderate cardholder photos and/or data.
  2.  Enable the “Moderate Card Photos” option if you want to moderate cardholder photos.
  3.  Enable the “Moderate Card Data” option if you want to moderate cardholder data.
  4. Choose the Banner Text from the dropdown for Pending card moderation. Customize it by choosing a Banner Background Color”. You can preview the banner by clicking “Show Preview”.
  5. Choose the Banner Text from the dropdown for Rejected cards. Customize it by choosing a Banner Background Color. You can preview the banner by clicking “Show Preview”.
  6. When finished, click on “Email Invitation” if you are planning to issue your cards via email. From there you can customize your card invitation email template.

Step 10: Save the Template.

When finished, click on “Save as Draft” to save your card template.

Note: All new card templates will be saved in Draft mode. To approve this template, please go back to the Card Templates page and click on the Edit icon for this card template under the “Settings” column. Please note that depending on admin permissions set by the account owner, you may not have permission to approve card templates.

That’s all it takes to design your card template! If you still have questions about designing your card template in the ID Management System, do not hesitate to chat with us!


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