_linkedin_partner_id = "503794"; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids = window._linkedin_data_partner_ids || []; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids.push(_linkedin_partner_id);

Knowledge Base

Card Action API V2

Card Action API V2 Introduction

This API is used to update a card status (status & sub status) without updating any card information based on the “status-action” specified in the request. The ‘status-action’ can have any of the following values: “deactivate”, “activate”, “revoke”, and “archive”. If you want to temporarily deactivate a card, you can use the action “deactivate’. When a card is deactivated, the card status will be updated to “Deactivated”. If you want to re-activate a card that has previously been deactivated, you can use the action “activate”. When a card is activated, the card status will be updated to the status of the card prior to deactivation.

If you want to archive a card, you can do that using the “archive” action. When a card is archived, the card status will be updated to “Archived”.  If you want to unarchive a card, you can use the action “activate”. When a card is unarchived, the card status will be updated to “Inactive”. To revoke a card from the app user’s device, you can use the action “revoke”. When a card is revoked, the card status will be updated to “Uninstalled”.

Card Status Action Table

Card Status Action Description
DEACTIVATE If you want to temporarily deactivate a card, you can use the action “deactivate’. When a card is deactivated, the card status will be updated to “Deactivated”.
ACTIVATE If you want to re-activate a deactivated card, you can use the action “activate”. The previously installed status will persist through reactivation. If you want to unarchive a card, you can use the action “activate”. All archived cards are uninstalled automatically when archived and if they are activated again, they will not retain the installation status but it will have an inactive status.
REVOKE To revoke a card from the app user’s device, you can use the action “revoke”. When a card is revoked, the card status will be updated to “Uninstalled”.  This will remove a card from all user’s devices that have installed it as if they manually uninstalled it.
ARCHIVE If you want to archive a card, you can do that using the “archive” action. When a card is archived, the card status will be updated to “Archived”. If an archived card is activated again it will need to be reinstalled again.

Request Format

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Success Response

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Failure Response

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