_linkedin_partner_id = "503794"; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids = window._linkedin_data_partner_ids || []; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids.push(_linkedin_partner_id);

Knowledge Base

What to Do if Your Card is Not Loading

Problem 1: My card does not load when I’m offline but loads when I’m online.

Please follow these simple steps below to clear your card cache. Clearing your card cache will force the card to load from the network, which should allow your card to load properly again.

Step 1: Clear Card Cache

  • While connected to the network, log in to the ID123 app.
  • Once you’re logged into the app, go to ‘Settings’ (top right corner) > Hit ‘Clear Card Cache’.

Step 2: Go back to the app dashboard and check to see if your card has been successfully loaded or tap ‘Add Card,’ search for your institution, and try adding your card once again.

Step 3: Disconnect from the network and go back to the app. Your cards should be able to load successfully while offline.

Problem 2: I’m online but my card won’t load.

Please follow these simple steps below to clear your card cache. Clearing your card cache will force the card to load from the network, which should allow your card to load properly again.

Step 1: Test your internet connection

  • Go to your internet browser and search for “id123.io.”
  • Check to see If you were able to successfully connect to the ID123 website.
    • If you were able to connect to the website, please move on to the next step.
    • If you were unable to connect to the ID123 website, please try turning your cellular data ON or connect to a Wi-Fi network and follow the instructions from Steps 1 & 2 again.

Step 2: Clear Card Cache

  • While connected to the network, log in to the ID123 app.
  • Once you’re logged into the app, go to ‘Settings’ (top right corner) > Hit ‘Clear Card Cache’.

Step 3: Go back to the app dashboard and check to see if your card has been successfully loaded or tap ‘Add Card,’ search for your institution, and try adding your card once again.

Still having Card Loading Issues?

Please Request App Support if you are still having card loading issues.

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